A Gold Standard Konkani Raw Text Corpus

A Gold Standard Konkani Raw Text Corpus

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Catalogue Number: 1133
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39,95,611 Words | 282 Tittles | XML format | 4 domains
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Dataset Description

39,95,611 Words | 282 Tittles | XML format | 4 domains

Konkani is the principal and administrative language of Goa. Konkani is an Indo-Aryan language belonging to the Indo-European family of languages and is spoken along the western coast of India. The Konkani language is spoken widely in the western coastal region of India is known as Konkan. This consists of the Konkan division of Maharashtra, the state of Goa, and the Uttara Kannada (formerly North Canara), Udupi, and Dakshina Kannada (formerly South Canara) districts of Karnataka, together with many districts in Kerala (such as Kasargod, Kochi, Alappuzha, Trivandrum, and Kottayam). LDC-IL Konkani Text Corpus developed according to various factors such as quality of the text, representativeness, retrievable format, size of corpus, authenticity, etc. For collecting text corpus LDC-IL adopts a standard category list of various domains and a prior set of criteria. The corpus of Konkani text can be broadly classifieds as literary and non- literary texts. A huge amount of literary texts are available in Konkani but scientific texts are less thus LDC-IL attempts to develop balanced text corpora of Konkani. Data has been collected from books, magazines, and newspapers and it is verified to true to the original texts then warehoused. Konkani Text Corpus encoded in a machine-readable form and stored in a standard format. The major encoding being used is Unicode and stored in XML format. The data is embedded in Metadata information. The corpus has been created from the contemporary text in typed and crawled methods..

The available Text Corpus details:



Percentage of Total




44.31 %

Mass Media


50.46 %

Science and Technology


2.61 %

Social Sciences


2.62 %

A detailed explanation of the Konkani Text Corpus will be available in the Konkani Raw Text Corpus Documentation.

For any research-based citations, please use the following citations:

  • Ramamoorthy, L., Narayan  Choudhary, Saurabh Varik, Rashmi Shet Tanawade  & Yashwant D Gawas. 2019. A Gold Standard Konkani Text Corpus.  Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore.
  • Choudhary, Narayan & L. Ramamoorthy. 2019. "LDC-IL Raw Text Corpora: An Overview"  in  Linguistic Resources for AI/NLP in Indian Languages, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore. pp. 1-10.

Item specifics

  • Authors Ramamoorthy L., Narayan Choudhary, Saurabh Varik, Bhageshree Khandale, Rashmi S. Shet Tanawade,Yashwant D. Gawas
  • Corpus Type Raw Corpus
  • Catalogue Number 1133
  • ISBN 978-81-7343-232-3
  • Data Source Typed+Cleaned
  • Character Count 26531127
  • Word Count 3995611
  • Release Date 04-Apr-2019
  • Terms and Conditions General instructions for use of the resources provided by LDC-IL.
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LDC-IL Raw Text Corpora: An Overview
LDC-IL Raw Speech Corpora: An Overview

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